

5 Potret Keseruan Marissa Nasution Bermain di Pantai, Jakarta Marissa Nasution termasuk artis Indonesia yang kerap menghabiskan waktu dengan berlibur. Memang berlibur menjadi pilihan banyak orang untuk menghilangkan penat. Seakan ingin berbagi kebahagiaan dengan para penggemarnya, ia pun mengunggah foto liburannya di media sosial.

Salah satu contohnya adalah ketika ia mengunggah foto liburannya di pantai. Gaya berbusana perempuan kelahiran 8 Februari 1986 ini pun mencuri perhatian publik. Lantas seperti apa potret keseruan liburan Marissa Nasution di pantai? Berikut merangkumkan khusus untuk Anda.

Bermain Bersama Buah Hati

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9-months birthday getaway with my little love 💕 where did time go??

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Dalam sebuah postingan, Marissa Nasution tampak menggendong sang buah di pinggir pantai. Keceriaan seakan terpancar dari wajah ibu dan anak itu. "9-months birthday getaway with my little love 💕 where did time go??" tulis Marissa sebagai keterangan foto.

Dikritik Warganet

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I am posting this photo being well aware (like in my previous post where you can see my beautiful Daughter walking but also my boobs, ps it’s really not that bad, I mean please, the focus is my daughter) that I am in a bathing suit. . . I know that A LOT of ibu2 (hijabbers sorry to say and I know it’s not all of YOU!! Trust me I know) are uncomfortable by posts (of me) in a bathing suit at the beach. . . Here are my questions 🧐 - I am at the beach what do you expect me to wear (as a non-Muslim but really religion does not matter here it’s about how tolerant you are to the world but wait have you seen the world?) - Have you been to a beach? Have you been to any beach outside of your comfort zone? Have you seen any parts of our beautiful world?? Do you know this is the 21st Century? - Have you interacted with people outside your comfort zone? - Do you Even understand what I am saying?? . . I am deliberately writing this in English (I can also do it in Bahasa but i want everyone to understand) that a woman’s worth is not downgraded or upgraded by the way she dresses. It is uplifted by the way she expresses herself verbally and physically, her confidence to be her own person day by day. . (I also do admit that some dress codes are uncool like IF I WOULD WALK INTO HERO TO PICK UP SOME BROCCOLI AND MILK FORMULA IN A BIKINI. Just saying. Didn’t happen (yet)). . I struggle with my post-baby body. Do I get Body shaming? ALL THE TIME! does it affect me? ALL THE TIME. But I try, WE try as women to not be defined by the way we look everyday, living up to everyone’s standard (society). But today i can only laugh at people who feel insecure and personally harassed by my post-baby-boobies-and-booty. SERIOUSLY. Get your $hit together. You really have much more problems than my boobs.

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Dalam sebuah postingan foto, Marissa tampak mencurahkan perasaannya. Lantaran ia dianggap memakai baju yang tidak pantas di pantai, jika dilihat-dilihat tidak ada salah dengan baju yang dikenakan oleh Marissa.

Jalan-Jalan di Pantai bersama Anak

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Little Steps for my Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ @lamamatropicana #Bintan

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Pada sebuah postingan, Marissa tampak mengajak anaknya berjalan-jalan di tepi pantai. Sang anak tampak begitu bersemangat ketika diajak di jalan-jalan. "Steps for my Mermaid," tulis Marissa sebagai keterangan video.

Jadi Mermaid

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Tidak hanya menikmati liburan bersama sang buah hati saja, Marissa juga terlihat berjalan-jalan dengan temannya. Ia tampil cantik dengan mengenakan busana warna kuning sambil membawa kostum ekor mermaid.

Kompak dengan Suami

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My loves 💕 @lamamatropicana

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Tidak lengkap rasanya jika berlibur tidak bersama keluarga. Dalam sebuah postingan, Marissa tampak berpose bersama dengan suami dan buah hatinya di pinggir pantai. Keluarga kecil ini tampil kompak dengan mengenakan busana berwarna putih. "My loves," tulis Marissa sebagai keterangan foto.

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