11 Makeup dan Gaya Rambut Punk ala Red Carpet

Fimela Editor diperbarui 07 Mei 2013, 10:59 WIB
Miley Cyrus - Spiked Hair "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Anne Hathaway - Blonde Pixie Hair & Smokey Eyes "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Donnatela Versace - Smokey Eyes "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Ginnifer Goodwin - Deep Smokey Eyes "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Jennifer Lopez - Punk-Inspired Pompadour Hairstyle "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Nicole Richie - Gray Hair & Dark Lipstick "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Next, it’s all about hair—colorful streak on hair. Punk memang kadang diidentikkan dengan rambut berwarna-warni yang bahkan kadang agak tidak beraturan—well, it’s all about rebellation. Nah, gaya inilah yang ramai-ramai digunakan oleh beberapa selebriti saat datang ke Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Musuem of Art. Sebut saja Lily Collins yang bermain dengan warna biru, Diane Kruger dengan warna pink, Ivanka Trump dengan warna hijau, Alicia Keys dengan warna merah, dan ada Emma Roberts dengan warna biru yang lebih terang. Everybody looks very attractive!
Lily Collins - Bright Blue Hair Streak "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Alicia Keys - Red Hair Streak "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Diane Kruger  - Pink Hair "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Emma Roberts - Blue Hair Streak "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City 
Ivanka Trump - Green Hair Streak "Punk: Chaos to Couture"Costume Institute Gala, Metropolitan Museum of ArtMay 6, 2013 - New York City