

25 Kutipan Terbaik Novel Educated Karya Tara Westover yang Inspiratif dan Penuh Makna, Jakarta Akhir-akhir ini terdapat novel yang sering direkomendasikan oleh banyak orang di media sosial. Novel ini banyak direkomendasikan karena substansi yang ada di dalamnya kaya akan kisah inspiratif yang tidak hanya menghibur kamu sebagai pembaca, tetapi juga memperluas cara pandang kamu mengenai pendidikan dan kehidupan. 

Secara singkat, novel Educated menceritakan kisah Tara Westover yang tumbuh besar di keluarga survivalist di Idaho. Ketika salah satu kakaknya mulai melakukan kekerasan, Tara hanya bisa memendam lukanya karena merasa tidak ada yang berada di pihaknya.

Namun, ketika akhirnya ia berhasil memasuki bangku kuliah, pikirannya pun mulai berkembang dan dia mulai menemukan keberanian untuk menghadapi ketidakadilan yang dia alami dari keluarganya sendiri. Tentu saja hal tersebut tidaklah mudah karena ada banyak peristiwa pahit yang perlu ia lewati. 

Alur cerita yang penuh perjuangan itu diiringi oleh kutipan-kutipan yang inspiratif dan sayang jika kamu lewatkan. Oleh karena itu, kali ini telah merangkum 25 kutipan terbaik novel Educated karya Tara Westover yang inspiratif dan penuh makna. Dilansir dari beragam sumber, simak ulasan selengkapnya di bawah ini. 

Kutipan Novel Educated Karya Tara Westover Bagian I

1. “You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them,” she says now. “You can miss a person every day, and still be glad that they are no longer in your life.”― Tara Westover, Educated

2. “My life was narrated for me by others. Their voices were forceful, emphatic, absolute. It had never occurred to me that my voice might be as strong as theirs.”― Tara Westover, Educated

3. “The thing about having a mental breakdown is that no matter how obvious it is that you're having one, it is somehow not obvious to you. I'm fine, you think. So what if I watched TV for twenty-four straight hours yesterday. I'm not falling apart. I'm just lazy. Why it's better to think yourself lazy than think yourself in distress, I'm not sure. But it was better. More than better: it was vital.”― Tara Westover, Educated

4. “It’s strange how you give the people you love so much power over you.”― Tara Westover, Educated

5. “We are all of us more complicated than the roles we are assigned in the stories other people tell”― Tara Westover, Educated

Kutipan Novel Educated Karya Tara Westover Bagian II

6. “The decisions I made after that moment were not the ones she would have made. They were the choices of a changed person, a new self.You could call this selfhood many things. Transformation. Metamorphosis. Falsity. Betrayal.I call it an education”― Tara Westover, Educated

7. “I began to experience the most powerful advantage of money: the ability to think of things besides money.”― Tara Westover, Educated

8. “The skill I was learning was a crucial one, the patience to read things I could not yet understand.”― Tara Westover, Educated

9. “Whomever you become, whatever you make yourself into, that is who you always were.”― Tara Westover, Educated

10. “Curiosity is a luxury for the financially secure.”― Tara Westover, Educated

Kutipan Novel Educated Karya Tara Westover Bagian III

11. “To admit uncertainty is to admit to weakness, to powerlessness, and to believe in yourself despite both. It is a frailty, but in this frailty there is a strength: the conviction to live in your own mind, and not in someone else’s.”― Tara Westover, Educated

12. “Guilt is the fear of one’s own wretchedness. It has nothing to do with other people.”― Tara Westover, Educated

13. “An education is not so much about making a living as making a person.”― Tara Westover, Educated

14. “I am not the child my father raised, but he is the father who raised her.”― Tara Westover, Educated

15. “Choices, numberless as grains of sand, had layered and compressed, coalescing into sediment, then into rock, until all was set in stone.”― Tara Westover, Educated

Kutipan Novel Educated Karya Tara Westover Bagian IV

16. Blood rushed to my brain; I felt an animating surge of adrenaline, of possibility, of a frontier being pushed outward. Of the nature of women, nothing final can be known. Never had I found such comfort in a void, in the black absence of knowledge. It seemed to say: whatever you are, you are woman.”― Tara Westover, Educated

17. “I had discerned the ways in which we had been sculpted by a tradition given to us by others, a tradition of which we were either willfully or accidentally ignorant. I had begun to understand that we had lent our voices to a discourse whose sole purpose was to dehumanize and brutalize others—because nurturing that discourse was easier, because retaining power always feels like the way forward.”― Tara Westover, Educated

18. “He said positive liberty is self-mastery—the rule of the self, by the self. To have positive liberty, he explained, is to take control of one’s own mind; to be liberated from irrational fears and beliefs, from addictions, superstitions and all other forms of self-coercion.”― Tara Westover, Educated

19. “I could tolerate any form of cruelty better than kindness. Praise was a poison to me; I choked on it.”― Tara Westover, Educated

20. “But sometimes I think we choose our illnesses, because they benefit us in some way.”― Tara Westover, Educated

Kutipan Novel Educated Karya Tara Westover Bagian V

21. “I would never again be made a foot soldier in a conflict I did not understand.”― Tara Westover, Educated

22. “It’s strange how you give the people you love so much power over you, I had written in my journal. But Shawn had more power over me than I could possibly have imagined. He had defined me to myself, and there’s no greater power than that.”― Tara Westover, Educated

23. “You are not fool’s gold, shining only under a particular light. Whomever you become, whatever you make yourself into, that is who you always were.”― Tara Westover, Educated

24. “I shed my guilt when I accepted my decision on its own terms, without endlessly prosecuting old grievances, without weighing his sins against mine. Without thinking of my father at all. I learned to accept my decision for my own sake, because of me, not because of him. Because I needed it, not because he deserved it.”― Tara Westover , Educated

25. “But vindication has no power over guilt. No amount of anger or rage directed at others can subdue it, because guilt is never about them. Guilt is the fear of one’s own wretchedness. It has nothing to do with other people.”― Tara Westover, Educated

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