

Marsala, Color of The Year 2015 versi Pantone

Jakarta Kami sempat menebak-nebak warna apa yang akan jadi Pantone’s Color of The Year untuk tahun 2015, namun sayangnya tebakan kami meleset. Setelah sering melihat warna biru bertebaran di koleksi fashion runway spring 2015 lalu, ternyata justru warna marsala-lah yang keluar jadi pilihan. But actually, we’re about to be right since blue was also one of the finalist. We’re relieved.

Mendengar namanya, tentu sangat terdengar asing di telinga ya? Marsala. Bisa dibilang lebih mirip nama perempuan. But, if you google it, then you’ll find it’s a name for a wine produced in one of Italian town named Marsala. So, it’s Marasala wine from Marsala City. Meskipun diambil dari nama wine, warna marsala justru lebih earthy. Instead of purple, it’s brown-based red color.

Lalu, mengapa marsala? Quite typical question for every color launched. “Marsala enriches our mind, body and soul, exuding confidence and stability," said Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. Setelah puas dengan radiant orchid yang lebih menonjolkan kreativitas dan inovasi, kini marsala dipilih for something more sophisticated for the upcoming year—which is just 3 days more.

So, it’s more about looking sophisticated with this red wine color. Penasaran bagaimana warna marsala ini dituangkan dalam produk makeup? We have the article, but please do wait until tomorrow!

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